This section describes the various reports generated by the model run. These reports can be used assess model performance, and can inform model calibration and validation, as well as other analyses.


The DaySim run produces multiple outputs in “DaySim” within the scenario output directory. The primary outputs are

  • _household.tsv
  • _household_day.tsv
  • _person.tsv
  • _person_day.tsv
  • _tour.tsv
  • _trip.tsv

These files contain information about the various activities, tours, and trips generated by the Daysim activity-based model components. To make the information more interpretable by the user and also to help in the validation of the activity-based model, these outputs are summarized in a set of Excel spreadsheets. R scripts are available that run the summary as a post-process each time the model is run and update the excel spreadsheets. The process has been set up as an application in Cube at the very end of the model and is called “DSReport”.

The process consists of just two steps. The first creates an R script that sets the paths of various inputs required. In the second step, R is called in the batch mode from within Cube to run the summary script created in the first step. The output files are set of Excel spreadsheets that have tables and charts summarizing various model simulation results.  This process is described in further detail in Section 4.7  |.

Highway Assignment

Highway evaluation and analysis conducted by post-processing the loaded assignment networks is a valuable tool for modelers. Traditionally in Florida, this type of analysis has been conducted with the use of the FSUTMS HEVAL and RMSE programs. Vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT), vehicle-hours-traveled (VHT), and vehicle-hours of delay are some of the most common measures.

A number of reports are generated in various formats for calibration and validation of the model. Reports are generated both in text files and also in HTML format. Highway validation statistics in HTML format are particularly easy to look at. Statistics include overall measures such as V\C ratios, VMTs and VHTs by facility types, link speeds etc. In addition validation statistics are output at the screenline and corridor level.

Transit Assignment

Two main summary reports are generated as text files. An overall transit summary report is generated that provides boardings and passenger-miles information by mode and operator level for peak, off-peak, and daily timeframes. A route level transit assignment summary is also available that provides detailed passenger boarding information at the stop level for all the transit routes.

In addition to the transit ridership summary reports there is also an application called ‘BRT Reporting’. This application is run only when the {ProjectModeFlag} in the catalog keys section is set to ‘1’. When this catalog key flag is set to a value of ‘1’, the application generates the assignment reports for only those trips on origin-destination (O-D) interchanges that use the BRT guideway.

This process is required for BRT alternatives because routes can use both mixed-flow and fixed-guideway facilities. Specialized reporting for other project modes, including rail, is already available by reviewing the standard reports since those modes are assumed to only use fixed-guideway facilities.

  • Application Name = BRT Reporting
  • Application Purpose = Produces transit assignment reporting summaries for only O-D trip interchanges that utilize the BRT guideway
  • Primary Input = Regional planning transit network and transit trip tables (*.mat) estimated from the DaySim activity-based model
  • Primary Output = Daily (peak + off-peak) transit route-level ridership and boardings/alightings by station for only trips using the BRT guideway